Thursday, April 26, 2007

To Podcast or not to Podcast, that is the question!

Let me just start by saying, this was definately an experience! It started with the digital audio recorder being placed on a setting that would not allow playback of what was recorded. Sitting on the phone with tech support trying to figure out what my error could possibly be... Turns out that a 1/3 setting is totally different than a 1/8 setting!

After downloading my 8 minute interview to my desktop, which by the way- Mac computers are slightly to VERY differnt than my PC that I am so accustomed to using- I thought I was doing alright.

Editing the track in Garage Band, adding pre-packaged music, and cutting out the akward times that Erin and I were laughing, was actually quite entertaining.

The final product was justifiably an "A" for effort. Quality? Debateable!

After uploading the podcast and linking it to my blog-(man, I almost sound "hip" or "cool" with my modern technology lingo!) it was all worth it. I have sent the link to my friends, which I think they will enjoy.

Podcasting in the future? Hmmm.. depends. Am I getting paid for my sweet skills? This is kind of making me wish I had access to a Mac more often. But, don't tell my PC that!

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