Thursday, May 3, 2007

Rage against You Tube

Viacom initiating a litigation against You Tube reminds me of the music industry raging against Napster, way back when. You Tube has functioned without falling under the umbrella of the Digital Millenuium Copyright Act (DMCA). Because You Tube "stores copyrighted material soley and simply at the direction of the user, it is not infringing a copyright.

I personallly have only accessed You Tube several times, not for entertainment pruposes, but to view commercials and spots for a educational purposes. I do not use You Tube to search for Copyrighted information- I usually go right to the source to see such media. (Grey's Anatomy on, for example.)

I think that if media companies are smart they will partner with You Tube to allow for viewers to access scenes from shows, trailers, etc. This fan loyalty is important for the future success of the show- media producers would be silly not to!

As far as the DCMA, I think that as long as You Tube has staff responsible for removing copyrighted material, without permission of the media companies, You Tube is acting responsibly. I do not think movies and television shows should be aired in their entirety. However, funny clips from movies and television shows are always good for viral media- increasing overall viewership.

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