Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Industry #2-Legal Showdown in Search Fracas

I think the author of this blog nailed it on the head when he wrote, "his column because of the impending litigation, have been targeted because they seem small and easy to beat up." I think Traffic-Power is able to pick on smaller individuals that it can drive out using legal fees that one person couldn't afford.

Should someone be able to sue based on comments generated by people on Blogs?-I think there is always a fine line between freedom of speech, and defaming and causing an individual or company agony or loss of profit. If a blog is stating someone's opinion than I believe they deserve that right. However, if an individual is posting in-accurate or false information that is ruining someone's reputation- I think there should be a pentalty for that.

Should Internet Service Providers have to provide names of their users?-I do not think Internet Providers should be required to give names of users. UNLESS there is a threat on someone's life or wellbeing. For example, if a blog is thretening the life of a public official- I think out of protection the Internet Provider should release the name of the person responsible.

What do you think about the information on Blogs?-I think Blogs are unique because they can be based on opinion. This allows people to express themsevles in a unique way.

How do you decide if the Blog is credible?
-I would deem a Blog credible if it was authord by a respective source. For example, in class we looked at Anderson Cooper's Blog- I would trust the information from his site. However, Blogs from people that are not covering serious issues, such as Perez Hilton, are obviously for entertainment and NOT fact!

Should Blogs (or the Internet in general) be regulated?-As stated before, I think if there is a thret against someone's wellbeing than it should be regulated. Otherwise, I think it is a way to express oneself. That is the uniqueness of the internet.

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